Bathroom Kitchen

Bathroom Kitchen

Bathroom-Kitchen Fit, West London.
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy and Data Protection
We respect the importance of protecting the privacy of visitors to our website and their right for protection of their data, which we keep in our Database.
Data Protection and Personal Information
We need to collect certain personal details when you register with us, in order to facilitate the services available through our website. These may include your name, address, telephone number, email address and maybe some other basic information and relevant business details about Yourself or Your Company. This information would help us to provide You with the best crafted solution so You and Your Company would get the best service available.
All this information will be held by the team at using the appropriate safeguards to ensure the highest possible levels of security, integrity and privacy.
By registering your details on this website, you consent to us contacting you via email, telephone or post, with relevant information in connection with the services on our website. We will not pass or sell your information to any company or parties at any time. That information will be used for contact between us as a Website and you as a User only.
Under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998 and new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), coming to effect from 25 May 2018, you have a number of rights.
Our security procedures mean that we may ask for proof of your identity before we will disclose information about you, or to you, be this via email or over the telephone.
Technical Data
We may also place a 'cookies' on your browser to help us identify you when you return to the site so that your preferences can be stored and will be used for these purposes only. You can remove 'cookies' from your computer at any time, and choose to disable 'cookies' in your internet browser settings.
Contact details
We do not publicly display any contact details or other sensitive information on our website. All communication takes place through the secure section of the site and by assigned personnel only.
You have rights to know, what information of you we have and how we use it. Generally speaking, all information is on the registration form and mainly it is as follows:
  • Name
  • Username
  • Email
  • Post Code
This information we hold for contacting purposes only and your Post Code is to identify your area to make sure we cover it. It is inserted in our Database in the United Kingdom.
Disclosure of your information
Under no any circumstances your information will be disclosed to anybody.
Your rights
You have the right to request a copy of the information about you which we hold in our Database. At the same time you have the right "to be forgotten", should you decide to stop any business with us. In that case we will remove all information about you when you'll make such a request and inform you about it with the email.
When you are browsing internet, looking for websites you are interested, a short text files called "cookies" downloaded to your computer together with the web page to open it in your browser. Cookies exist to make browsing faster. You can setup you browser to accept all cookies, accept from trusted websites or not allow any cookies to download for you.
Please contact us with any questions and comments using our contact form, the link you can find in the menu.
We reserve the right to amend or modify this privacy statement at any time and in response to changes in applicable data protection and privacy legislation.